
Shakta Kaur - Yoga Teacher

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Experience Your Own Strength

(Self-Experience, Kundalini Yoga as Taught by Yogi Bhajan, p. 17)

Bow Pose. Rock back and forth in Bow Pose, while rhythmically and musically chanting;

Har, Har, Har, Har Gobinday

Har, Har, Har, Har Mukunday

Har, Har, Har, Har Udaraay

Har, Har, Har, Har Aparaay

Har, Har, Har, Har Hariang

Har, Har, Har, Har Kariang

Har, Har, Har, Har Nirnamay

Har, Har, Har, Har Akamay

Chant and rock in Bow Pose for 6 minutes.

(How to Do It: Begin by lying down on your stomach. Apply root lock to rotate your pelvis. Roll the tops of the thighs toward each other to protect the sacrum. This will help you to keep the feet touching. Grab the ankles and press strongly through the root line into the ground. Pull the shoulder blades down the back to leverage the lifting of the chest. Use the legs to pull against the arms to raise the body up into position.)

(Bow Pose is hard for many people, but it is important to get beyond the “bending where you are already bending” syndrome and open new territory in flexibility. If you really want to lengthen your spine out, particularly through the important pelvic muscles, you really have to keep the feet and knees close together and use the legs to pull against the arms. You may not come up as high, but it opens up the spine in a far more useful way.)

Pelvic Lifts. Lie on your back and bend your knees. Feet are flat on the ground near your buttocks. Place your feet about two fist-widths apart. Rest your arms by your sides with the palms facing down. (You may hold on to your ankles only when you can do so without either compressing your back or tensing your buttocks as you raise your pelvis up and down.) Inhale, pull in on your navel point to apply root lock (Mulbandh) and rotate your pelvis. (The root lock is very important in pelvic lifts. The navel absolutely has to lead the movement.) Keep your pelvis rotated during the entire exercise, so that the spine is lifted up and lowered down without at any time compressing the lower back.

As you press down the root line into your feet and raise the pelvis upward, keep the thighs rolled slightly inward so that the legs remain parallel to each other. (If you squeeze a yoga block between your knees, while you are holding the root lock, it will remind you to roll your thighs inward to keep the sacrum area open.) Exhale; still holding the root lock and maintaining the rotation of the pelvis, as you lower the spine back to the floor. Do not let your knees spread apart because this will compress the sacrum and block the rotation of the pelvis.

Chant “Har” as you lift up and chant “Har” as you lie back on the ground. Move as rapidly as you can with good form for 2 minutes.

Easy Pose. Raise your arms over your head but do not let your hands touch. Revolve your upper body counter-clockwise from the base of your spine. Close your eyes and move as if you are in ecstasy. Chant along with “Ardas Bhaee” (Yogi Bhajan used the version known as “Healing Sounds of the Ancients #5) for 4 minutes.

Stand Up. Stretch your arms overhead, but not clasped. Keep your eyes closed and dance to “Ardas Bhaee” for 1 ½ minutes. Continue dancing. Each time you hear “Sachee Sachee” bend forward, touch the ground and rise up again to dance (2 minutes).

Run in Place. Lift your knees to the level of your hips and run as fast as you can. Move your arms as you run (you can punch to the mid-line of the body) for 1 ½ minutes.

Bow Pose. Lie down and repeat exercise #1 for 2 ½ minutes.

Pelvic Lifts. Repeat exercise #2 for 30 seconds.

Easy Pose (hands on your knees). Revolve your torso counter-clockwise for 30 seconds.

Baby Pose. Sleep for 7 minutes.

“The best way in life is to be simply to be.

Let the spirit, let the soul, let the self

shine like sunshine.”

--Yogi Bhajan

Comments: “Har” is one of the aspects of God — the creative, green aspect of

Infinity. The other words are translated respectively as “Sustainer, Liberator,

Enlightener, Infinite, Destroyer, Creator, Nameless, Desireless.”

The “Ardaas Bahee” mantra may be translated, “The prayer that has been made to Guru Amar Das is guaranteed by Guru Ram Das.” This is the mantra for answered prayers. This is also a good meditation for avoiding getting caught up in the ego’s games. Practicing this meditation helps you consciously connect with your soul and grants the experience of peace and prosperity.

Guru Amar Das is the third of the Sikh Gurus. He lived from 1479 to 1754. He is said to embody generosity and equality. Guru Ram Das, his son-in-law, is the fourth of the Sikh Gurus. He lived from 1534 until 1581. He is said to embody humility, loving service and compassion.

“Ram” means “servant of the Lord.” If you ask something of Guru Ram Das he has to bring it to God for you. Give your worries to Guru Ram Das and let him take them to God. The God that rotates the earth can certainly take care of your problems!

Yogi Bhajan on “Ardas Bhaee”

“Normally there is no power in the human but the power of prayer.

And to do prayer, you have to put your mind and body together

and then pray from the soul.

Ardas Bhaee is a mantra prayer.

If you sing it, your mind, body and soul automatically combine

and without saying what you want, the need of the life is adjusted.

That is the beauty of this prayer.”