
Shakta Kaur - Yoga Teacher

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Moon Cycles and Actions To Take for Your Mind, Emotions, & Health

The Moon is an ancient tool we can still use today to time our goals, hone and sharpen our focus and to simply relax into the natural rhythms of the Cosmos.

Every two and a half weeks we move from the New Moon to the Full Moon and then from the Full Moon to the New Moon again. These are three special ‘moon’ days of the month to take care of your mind, emotions and health:

  • Full Moon – The Moon is completely illuminated! It is a day of completion and endings. It’s time to put something to bed! We see our seeds of intention from the last New Moon come to fruition. We release negative habits and goals we no longer want to pursue. We are at our highest energy level on this day!

  • New Moon – This is when we look at the sky and no part of the moon is illuminated. That’s because the Moon is so close to the Sun in the sky that none of the side facing earth is illuminated. We are at our lowest energy level on this day.

  • Eleventh Day after the New Moon – We are in balance. We are in twilight. This is where we see a little over 50% of the Moon illuminated in the sky. On this day we continue following up on the seeds we’ve planted at the New Moon.